It was bound to happen with Final Fantasy XV, given that the main party is a Cast Full of Pretty Boys with Ho Yay.Then it's usually Sephiroth who undergoes the Ukefication. One exception is when Sephiroth is paired with Genesis. In less frequent Sephiroth/female character pairings, she is usually reduced to a weepy, ineffectual Distressed Damsel regardless of any canon badassery on her part. Pairing a character with Sephiroth is pretty much a guarantee that the character will be Ukefied out the wazoo.Yaoi writers seem to love taking the Iron out of Iron Woobie. Pretty much every yaoi fic ever written involving Final Fantasy VII does this to either Cloud or Vincent.After all, who cares about being in character when it gets in the way of hot sex? Happens to Damon Baird in Gears of War slash fics.